About this basketball team - we're a little confused because documents show the school district didn't officially split until 1922, but I wonder if there's a gap in documents of some kind. Maybe which ever town fielded the high school put their initial on the team. The high school was at Lyman during this time if I understand it right. We need to clarify that a little.

How many kids carry a guitar or a uke' on a date now days?? The girl doesn't look like Grandma... Wonder who she was. We'll keep looking for names - maybe talk to Aunt Geri.
Please leave a comment if you know any of these other folks. They must be Rollins, Blackners, Bradshaws, Eyres, etc. - all kids (And probably cousins) who grew up in the Bridger Valley. Some look vaguely familiar and Kathy is sure it's because we've taught some of their great-great-grandchildren with similar facial features.
Please leave a comment if you know any of these other folks. They must be Rollins, Blackners, Bradshaws, Eyres, etc. - all kids (And probably cousins) who grew up in the Bridger Valley. Some look vaguely familiar and Kathy is sure it's because we've taught some of their great-great-grandchildren with similar facial features.
My father found a wwI dogtag while metal detecting in Cumberland Wyoming around 1981. It appears (ITS IN PRETTY BAD SHAPE) to say Marcene H. Hamblin. He would be delighted if it was traceable to a family. Please contact me at Tmkldwwj@yahoo.com. David Anspach